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Workshop on

Solving Problems of Corruption and Misconduct

of Local Government Organizations


National Anti-Corruption Operation Center

Office of the Public sector Anti-Corruption Commission

Wednesday 28 th September 2016

At Grand Diamond Ballroom, Impact Convention Forum

MuangThongThani, Chaengwattana road, Pakkred, Nonthaburi


National Anti-Corruption Steering Committee has granted the order 1/2016 on March

3 rd ,2016 and order 2/2016 on April 1 st ,2016 establishing a subcommittee to study and outline

solutions for corruption and misconduct of local government organizations. Studies of the

subcommittee consist of measures for combating and preventing corruption and misconduct, as

well as suggestions on budget spending for local government organizations. In order to provide

local governors and officers with such knowledge, National Anti-Corruption Operation Center

then organizes the Workshop on Solving Problems of Corruption and Misconduct of Local

Government Organizations on Wednesday 28 th September, 2016 At Grand Diamond Ballroom,

Impact Convention Forum, MuangThongThani, Chaengwattana road, Pakkred, Nonthaburi.


1.1 To establish mechanism for combating and preventing corruption and

misconduct of local government organizations

1.2 To provide local government organizations with knowledge about law and

legislation relating to budget spending

1.3 To create mutual understanding between local government organizations and

auditing agency

1.4 To guarantee that spending of local government budget will be worthwhile

and comply with set objectives


2. Target audience

1,500 participants of the workshop comprise delegates from local government

organizations in various levels, which include Provincial Administration Organizations, Subdistrict

Administration Organizations, Municipal governments, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, and

Pattaya Administration.


3. Organizing Format

The workshop is arranged in 3 formats including

- Speech by the chairman of National Anti-Corruption Operation Center

- Discussion by delegates from National Municipal League of Thailand,

Provincial Administration Organization council of Thailand, Subdistrict Administration

Organization Association of Thailand, Office of the Auditor General of Thailand,

Department of Local Administration, and Office of the Decentralization to the Local

Government Organization Committee

- Lecture by Office of the Auditor General of Thailand


4. Expected Outcome

4.1 Efficient mechanism for preventing corruption and misconduct of local

government organizations is established.

4.2 Local government organizations acquire knowledge about law and legislation

regarding to budget spending.

4.3 Local government organizations and auditing agency have mutual

understanding about relating law and legislation.

4.4 Local government organizations accomplish all activities efficiently and

effectively, so that the people enjoy full benefits.


Workshop on Solving Problems of Corruption and Misconduct

of Local Government Organizations


National Anti-Corruption Operation Center

Office of the Public sector Anti-Corruption Commission

Wednesday 28 th September 2016

At Grand Diamond Ballroom, Impact Convention Forum

MuangThongThani, Chaengwattana road, Pakkred, Nonthaburi


08.00 - 09.00       Registration of participants

09.00 - 09.15       Briefing by the Secretary of National Anti-Corruption Operation Center

09.15 – 10.15      Opening Speech by the Chairman of National Anti-Corruption Operation Center (General                                       Paiboon Khumchaya) on “Solving Problems of Corruption and Misconduct of                                                             Local Government Organizations”

10.00 – 12.00      Discussion on “Corruption Prevention of Local Government Organizations”

                              by delegates from

1) National Municipal League of Thailand, Provincial Administration Organization

council of Thailand, and Subdistrict Administration Organization Association of Thailand

2) Office of the Decentralization to the Local Government Organization Committee

3) Department of Local Administration

4) Office of the Auditor General of Thailand Moderator: Mr.Sompoch Toraksa

12.00 – 13.00       Lunch Break

13.00 – 14.30       Lecture on “Guideline for inspection of budget spending” by Office of the Auditor General of                                  Thailand

14.30 – 16.00       Lecture on “Guideline for budget spending protocol” by Office of the Auditor General of                                          Thailand

Remark: 1) Snack and beverages being served during the session

                 2) Please dress properly (Male: suit)


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